I'm taking a few minutes to communicate guidelines and suggestions related to COVID-19, particularly with regards to privates and group classes at my home studio. I'm using Health Canada guidelines, my (former life) training as a medical laboratory technologist, and common sense as my references. Although Manitoba may be less affected than denser, urban centers, I think we are wise to; a) maintain calm and b) take recommended precautions in order to prevent and limit our exposure and reduce spread when it arrives here. Note that this is being written March 11 and details are subject to change, based on recommendations from local and national health authorities.
Some general guidelines for classes and private sessions @ Joy Somatics;
If you are ill (coughing, sneezing, experiencing sore throat, shortness of breath, or fever), please stay home per Health Canada recommendations.
Note that I will not provide credit for missed classes, however I am creating a few short, simple on-line yoga practices for students to do at home. Stay tuned.
If you have to cancel your private appointment on short notice due to illness, there will be no fee charged for short notice cancellation.
If you are returning from a trip/travel, please follow the Health Canada guidelines for returning from travel.  If you are in class and suddenly do have to cough/sneeze, do so in your elbow to minimize spread of airborne particles.Â
2. If I (or someone in my home) becomes ill, I will cancel classes for your protection and to limit spread. In that case, I will credit students for missed classes.
3. Other precautions for your safety;
I am doing extra cleaning between classes of common touch points in the studio, including walls, railings and bathroom, chair tops.Â
I'm continuing to diffuse essential oils and burn natural beeswax candles, all which help to clean the air.
There is both natural and regular hand sanitizer for you to use upon arrival and departure.Â
I highly recommend bringing your own mat and if you use a studio mat, remember to clean it well after - per usual. Â
I am open to your common sense suggestions if I'm missing anything.
Remember that our immune system is at it's best when we are calm, in our 'rest and digest'/parasympathetic part of our nervous system. Not our fight or flight/panic mode. Our self care practices are important to help keep us calm, grounded and connected to wisdom. Do what you need to do to feel safe and well. Take advantage of my free 30 minute SomaSensing Somatic Movement practice (a link is provided to those who sign up for my newsletter as a free gift). This practice is meant to calm and settle nervous system using gentle, mindful movements. Find the sign up page on the footer of my website .
On a personal note, our family is practicing habits for maintaining healthy, strong immune systems per usual, including;
Plenty of rest, eating whole foods, reducing sugar, fresh air and exercise.Â
Immune boosting supplements (vit D, Juice Plus fruit and veggie tabs, omega 3s, pro-biotic, my hot water with lemon and ginger in the mornings - all things I've taken or done for years. I've added some vit C and elderberry syrup for extra insurance). I love my Rishi ginger-tumeric tea.
We are adding extra hand washing.
Most importantly, I'm choosing not to stress, placing trust in my own resiliency. I'm choosing reasonable precautions without panic. Taking care of my nervous system.
Wishing you wellness and ease in the upcoming weeks.
Classes & Workshops

Joy Onyschak offers a variety of unique, trauma-informed, somatic practices in her St. Vital home studio, at Safe Harbour Therapy and in the community.