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Mid- Summer Retreat is being planned for Aug 5-7.  

Details and suprise co-host will be released June 22. 

Example of past one-day retreat details; 
Join Joy for a day retreat that combines theory, practice & self-reflection at her country property near Kaleida, MB.  
Learn about your autonomic nervous system through the lens of the Polyvagal Theory.  ​Explore a variety of practices to regulate yourself, including Yoga, Somatic Movement, Breathwork, self-massage, time in nature, & mindful eating. Experience meaningful dialogue in circle, 2 locally-made, nourishing meals, and most of all, some space for you to simply be & breathe. 

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'Somatics' comes from the word Soma - which means 'to perceive the body from within'. 
Our ability to tune in  & feel is essential in taking good care of ourselves. It's how we discenern between hunger and lonliness, it's how we decide what's right for us moment to moment.   


Located in Southern Manitoba, 1 mile from scenic Pembina Valley
(30 min West of Morden)
Recently renovated, 70 yr old farmhouse on private 7.5 acres 
Wood burning stove, amazing prairie sky. 

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Limited, optional overnight accomodations are available on the Friday and Saturday night if you want to extend your stay. New pillow-top mattresses, spacious shared, modern washrooms, wifi, hearty breakfast. 

Note: Book accomodations seperately by email. 
$100 Single/ $75 Shared (includes hearty breakfast). 


Retreat is 10:00 am to 6:30/7pm including supper. General Schedule - What to expect

Morning -  Opening Circle & Movement Practices 
12-2 Mindful Time (Lunch, outside, journalling)
Afternoon - Theory & Discussion, Practices. 
Supper approx 5:30-6:30 pm 

Bring a yoga mat & journal. All other equipment and props supplied. 



About Joy
Joy is a trauma-informed, somatic coach and been leading people to wellness through movement for over 13 years. She weaves her experience and training in yoga, somatic movement, conscious connected breathwork, bodymind ballwork, nervous system theory and circle to create unique classes, trainings and retreats. 

Joy guides private clients (Kaleida Sun/Mon & St. Vital Wed/Thurs). Book your private session by location here. 


Joy Somatics

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